Montenegro Lines Masbate City to Pilar Sorsogon RoRo & Fast Craft Schedule & Fare


Here is the Montenegro Lines Masbate City to Pilar Sorsogon and Vice Versa RoRo & Fast Craft Trip Schedule & Fare.

Montenegro Lines Masbate City to Pilar Sorsogon RoRo & Fast Craft Schedule & Fare

Masbate City to Pilar Sorsogon Daily Departure Schedule

  • 10:00 AM
  • 12:00 NN
Fast Craft
  • 04:00 AM
  • 08:00 AM
  • 12:00 NN

Pilar Sorsogon to Masbate City Daily Voyage Schedule

  • 12:00 MN
  • 08:00 PM
Fast Craft
  • 08:00 AM
  • 12:00 NN
  • 04:00 PM

Vehicle and Passenger Fare Matrix

RoRo Ticket Rates
Vehicle Fare
  • Bicycle – Php432.00
  • Motorcycle – Php1,728.00 (Driver is free of charge)
  • Private – Php4,320.00 (Driver is free of charge)
  • 6W – Php7,776.00 (Driver and 2 helpers are free of charge)
  • 10W – Php10,368.00 (Driver and 2 helpers are free of charge)
  • 20F – 19,008.00**(Driver and 2 helpers are free of charge)
  • 40F – 32,832.00**(Driver and 2 helpers are free of charge)
Passenger Fare
  • Regular – Php360.00
  • Student – Php306.00
  • Senior / PWD – Php257.00
  • Children (3 – 7 yrs old) – Php180.00
Fast Craft Passenger Fare
  • Regular – Php720.00
  • Student – Php612.00
  • Senior / PWD – Php514.00
  • Children (3 – 7 yrs old) – Php360.00 

Rates and Schedules are subject to change without prior notice.

For inquiries, contact Montenegro Shipping Lines at the following numbers:

  • Masbate City: (056) 333 5535/0917 189 0863
  • Pilar: 0950 795 6617/0936 583 0207

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